The Federation of Master Builders

Commercial & Residential Property

Commercial Residential Property explained

Do you lease commercial or residential property? Maybe you rent out a house to a family in your local area, a warehouse unit on a business park or a town centre shop with flats above. Just like you’d protect your own home, your properties need to be covered in order to protect your investment. You can protect your buildings, contents and finances with Commercial Residential Property Insurance.



What does Commercial Residential Property cover?

Commercial (SME) and Residential Property Insurance covers you for loss and damage to buildings and contents as well as damage to stock, shortfall in income, loss of rent and fixtures and fittings. Portfolios can include commercial, residential and unoccupied buildings, or a mix.

Your coverage will be dependent on your insurer – please check your individual policy for detailed information about what you’re covered for.


Speak to a member of the FMB Insurance team on 01353 652760 to discuss your policy, email [email protected] or request a quote online here.

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