The Federation of Master Builders

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Employers’ Liability explained

Employers’ Liability Insurance is a legal requirement if you have staff working for you, including permanent employees, contractors, casual workers and temporary staff. Make sure you get the right cover for your business to avoid lengthy legal processes and fines.

Everyday accidents and mistakes can have a huge impact on your business if you’re not covered. For example, if:


  • A permanent employee gets a nasty cut that prevents them from working.
  • A contractor falls from a ladder and breaks his arm.
  • Members of your team become ill due to an infection spread through a poorly maintained air conditioning system.



What does Employers’ Liability cover?

It covers you for the compensation of any claims made by employees who have been injured or become seriously ill as a result of working for you. As well as covering any compensation, this type of business insurance covers the cost of legal expenses whilst defending the claims.

Your coverage will be dependent on your insurer and business – please check your individual policy for detailed information about what you’re covered for.


Speak to a member of the FMB Insurance team on 01353 652760 to discuss your policy, email [email protected] or request a quote online here.

Employers Liability

It is a legal requirement to take out Employers Liability Insurance if you have staff working for you, including permanent employees, contractors, casual workers, and temporary staff. The policy will cover claims from employees who have been injured or become seriously ill as a result of working for you. As well as covering any compensation, the insurance covers the cost of legal expenses whilst defending the claims.

Personalise your cover

Our Liability policies offer a diverse range of cover for every aspect of your business, allowing you to truly personalise your cover. Other options include: tool cover, contract works, personal accident, temporary employees and much more. There are varying levels of indemnity to choose from; £1m, £5m and £10m. All policies are underwritten by market-leading insurers.




What limit of cover should I have?

Your policy will cover you up to £10m. Your insurance premium will be based on a range of different factors, including how many people work for you, how risky your job is etc.


What is the difference between Bona-fide and Labour only sub-contractors?

Bona-fide sub-contractors are contractors who work without direction from you, hold their own insurance and usually provide their own materials and tools. As long as they are not working under the direction of you, have their own legal liabilities and insure themselves, there is no need to include them in the count of employees.

Labour only sub-contractors should be treated as employees for the purposes of cover under this type of insurance. Unlike bona-fide sub-contractors, they generally work under the direction of you and do not provide their own materials or tools (with the exception of small hand tools). So, cover should be arranged by the main contractor under their policy.


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